Thursday, April 4, 2013

Book Review: The Rules by Stacey Kade

I must admit that I’m a huge fan of sci-fi, no matter what its form. Everything from books with aliens to ones with dystopias interests me. So when I found out that Stacey Kade’s new novel The Rules was a sci-fi story, even if it isn’t really your typical sci-fi book, I was really excited.

Ariane has five Rules: Never trust anyone; Remember they are always searching; Don’t get involved; Keep your head down; and Don’t fall in love. The Rules are the only thing that keep her from being discovered, because Ariane isn’t like other teenagers – she’s not even fully human. Ever since Ariane escaped with her foster father from the lab were she was created from human and extraterrestrial DNA, she’s been following the rules to keep them from finding her. And it hasn’t been too bad, what with few friends and never a boyfriend; at least until now. A prank gone wrong against Ariane’s only friend causes her to decide to “date” Zane, the police chief’s son. And even though she knows that she shouldn’t, Ariane is still drawn to him. Will she be able to stay away from Zane, and keep her alibi safe?

The thing that makes The Rules really cool is that there is so much possibility within the pages, and after them. Since the book is set in modern-day Wisconsin, you get all sorts of aspects of realistic fiction, but since Ariane is part alien, you get the aspects of a sci-fi novel too – so you never really know what’s going to come at you, because Stacey Kade blends the two genres so well.

So whether you’re a fan of sci-fi or realistic fiction or you just want to find a new book to read, keep your eyes open for The Rules, which comes out on April 23rd. (In the meantime, why not try out Stacey Kade’s other really fun book The Ghost and the Goth?)

Happy reading!

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