Thursday, May 17, 2018

TBF Author Interview with Brigid Kemmerer

Hello TBF readers!


So, I lied. This is the last TBF author interview, and I am delighted to share it with all of you! I chatted with Brigid Kemmerer, author of MORE THAN WE CAN TELL. Take a look:

Miranda Reads: Your latest book, MORE THAN WE CAN TELL has been getting a lot of buzz. What is it about?

Brigid Kemmerer: MORE THAN WE CAN TELL is about a gamer girl named Emma who starts getting harassed in a game she designed -- but problems between her parents keep her from going to them for help. She meets Rev, a guy who was cruelly abused by his father when he was young, but has since been adopted by a loving couple -- except that he's just started receiving taunting letters from his abusive father and he doesn't know what to do about it. Rev and Emma confide in each other and help each other through their ongoing trauma, and a few sparks fly as well.
Miranda Reads: What was the inspiration behind MORE THAN WE CAN TELL?
Brigid Kemmerer: Rev was actually a side character in LETTERS TO THE LOST, my first YA Contemporary, and from the moment he arrived on the page, I wanted to tell his story. I came up with Emma because I kept thinking about how much hidden harassment girls go through online, especially in gaming communities. 

Miranda Reads: Out of all of your characters, which one resembled you the most as a teen?
Brigid Kemmerer: Oh wow, this is a hard question! Probably Nick Merrick, from my Elemental Series. Everyone assumes he has it all together because he's just a smart, capable, hard-to-ruffle kid -- while on the inside he's flailing all the time. He's just good at keeping that bottled up.
Miranda Reads: Do you outline a WIP or do you just dive right into it?
Brigid Kemmerer: I used to dive right into it, but now I loosely outline in advance. I used to think that outlining would rob my story of any chance to be creative, but that's not true.
Miranda Reads: Which TBF Author are you most excited to meet this year?

Brigid Kemmerer: Oh my goodness, ALL OF THEM! I'm excited to see old friends, but also for the chance to make new ones too. 

Thank you so much, Brigid! We can't wait to meet you THIS SATURDAY!

That is all for today, friends! See you all soon!


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