Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Book Review: Undertow by Michael Buckley

Hey everyone! Glad to share my very first review for the TBF blog. This week, I read Undertow by Michael Buckley. Michael Buckley has written two other fantastic series, N.E.R.D.S and the Sisters Grimm, both I would highly recommend. This book is the first of his newest series that, after finishing Undertow, I'm sure will be just as fantastic and exciting as everything else he writes!

Sixteen-year-old Lyric Walker’s life is forever changed when she witnesses the arrival of 30,000 Alpha, a five-nation race of ocean-dwelling warriors, on her beach in Coney Island. The world’s initial wonder and awe over the Alpha quickly turns ugly and paranoid and violent, and Lyric’s small town transforms into a military zone with humans on one side and Alpha on the other. When Lyric is recruited to help the crown prince, a boy named Fathom, assimilate, she begins to fall for him. But their love is a dangerous one, and there are forces on both sides working to keep them apart. Only, what if the Alpha are not actually the enemy? What if they are in fact humanity’s only hope of survival? Because the real enemy is coming. And it’s more terrifying than anything the world has ever seen.

Starting from the very moment I opened this book, it has been nothing but a rush. The thing that makes this read so great is how realistic it feels. There are many people the main character, Lyric, meets, and each one comes off the page with a different personality. There are characters that I love and cheer on as well as others that I love to hate! But one thing that they all have in common is how real they are. There are no two dimensional stereotypes, which is really good for a book who's main premise is how the world would react if refugees from a different species suddenly showed up out of nowhere. Undertow is filled with gripping scenes where people say certain things or make huge decisions. And each time they act as relatable human beings (even if not all of them are human) that never stray from their character. That's why when you read this book, it's going to be a struggle to put it down!

I would recommend this to anyone who's looking for a really good read. Not a fun one that you can read in a night and go about your day tomorrow like normal. This book will leave you thinking about yourself, human morals and behavior in general, and especially about Raging Sea. AKA the second book in the Undertow series!

That's all for today. Come back next week for another review about an amazing book by a TBF author!


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